Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"Problem is just a situation of lack of prediction and determinacy, owing to either lack of experience or self-realization......."

Friday, December 18, 2009

"One cannot restrict Knowledge to Education
Knowledge moves quicker when riding Awareness.........
Education is a Phenomenon, Awareness is an Impulse"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Creativity in a common man is dormant, brain dead............

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The greatest flaw in philosophy and the greatest boon to science is the same------Generalization.......

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Intellectual and emotional depth do not decide one's speed of thought, they merely decide the extent of thought......
One can be frivolous and quick, but never sublime......

Monday, November 30, 2009


"It is not just the battle of beating and eluding the blaming eyes of those you hurt, but also the eye within, which constantly makes you feel the pain you inflict, but our minds are so strong, we easily fool that little bright spot in our minds........."

Sunday, November 22, 2009

"God is what we make of Him....."

Monday, November 16, 2009

"Sometimes the ability to be a genius does not lie in the ability to be genuine, or to create out of one's ingenuity......It may also lie, quite simply so, in one's ability to be oneself, in the truest form......."

Saturday, November 14, 2009


"Books, window to an exciting life, perhaps one which we wanted to live.....
Books, repertoire of emotions, which we always wanted to feel..........
Books, ends of knowledge, and perhaps the beginning of the process of attaining it......
Books, way to express in silence to ourselves, our deepest desires.........
Books, to shape our smiles, and direct our tears......... 
Books, teach us life's ways, or just make us smile....... 
Books, sometimes, worth nothing but a glance, sometimes, enough to be drown into.....
Books, quite like our women, they know us well, when we know whom (what) to pick...."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Break a bone when it can fix, later, u might never learn how to ride and never heal from that attempt of learning........"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Standing tall on an epochal threshold. Inundated, but might must win..."

"What would u call a person who studied the Laws, not the raven in a gentleman's robe I believe, or the life savior from the murky womb of hell.....nevertheless, lawyers see things in a different way, we start from the most likely point of inception. Ask us which came first, the egg or the hen, we'd say the poultry farm......."

"As far as difference of opinion stands as to nature and culture then perhaps as a sociologist would say what all nature is, is culture in it's most clandestine shape being seen as nature....
Well ask me it's nature that hauls the mast of culture.....Hadn't it been the nature of the gallows to kill, the culture would never had come to life....."

"Serendipity stands apart, it is what makes the chalice different from the kettle......well, for the imbecile gender called men, it's never the case of serendipity, we lack that faculty........."
"Reality is the progeny of constant experimentations with our beliefs about reality..."
"God is the pinnacle of one's perceptiveness....."
"I am awe struck but indifferent towards the achievements of nature and it's progenies....."